My favorite song

Hi friends again in my job the next time my paper titled My favorite song. I'll tell you a little bit about the origin of my favorite song. In the middle school, then we're making an extra class, which is the indonesian language.
We all felt so bored because the materials submitted is a lot of them and also a teacher that explain the material not funπŸ˜•...hehe.
And finally because the material presented does not done as well, we're trying to bring yourself and ask for a break. At the time was rest for a while, my teacher turned out to play a song from his laptop entitled "Danger Line" from Avenged Seven Fold. I feel my soul, for coming back because listening to the song....hehe πŸ˜†
I feel the song is very fun and exciting at the time to hear it. After the additional classes in indonesia, I immediately downloaded the song on the internet. And I listen to the song all day.And also at the time is not the job I would listen to the song.
And then I set the song as my favorite song. So my friends. that's my favorite song called "Danger line".
I hope this article helpful to friends and good friends also like the songπŸ˜†.....thank's and see you in my duty to the next.😊


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